Early Barack Obama rally
I was looking around YouTube and I found this footage of an early Barack Obama rally
"He's Not the Messiah" (you gotta love Monty Python)
i'm not talking about the wars. the title of this blog is an argument that an armed citizenry will keep any governing body in check better than an unarmed citizenry. Publication on this blog will be sporadic and subject matter will be random but will lean to the right. Comments are encouraged.
I was looking around YouTube and I found this footage of an early Barack Obama rally
"He's Not the Messiah" (you gotta love Monty Python)
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
7:50 AM
Labels: funny, Obama, Politically Incorrect, youtube
Jan 20, 2009 was only the start of Barak Hussein Obama and his supporters littering the nation with garbage. This first 100 tons of garbage was literal. The garbage that came later was even worse.
Washington D. C. city officials put the crowd total (despite very cold weather) at 1.8 million.
For the first time in a long time, we now have a Commander-in-Chief & VP with ZERO military experience.
How's this for "change" - he gets a million plus "save the environment" types together and they trash the place. Conservatives have never trashed a place so effectively and so fast.
Keep your shovels handy folks, it's gonna be a long four years!
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
2:23 PM
Labels: Change, news, Obama, Politically Incorrect
This may come as a shock to a lot of people but television is not a "right". (I checked the Constitution, honest) I understand that it is the duty of the FCC to regulate the usage of the airwaves and that "the switch to digital" will free up a lot of those airwaves for newer technologies. Great, I have no problem with that. This is just another example of a government agency regulating something that should be in the public domain. (I'm not going to go off on a tangent about this because there will be plenty of opportunity to grind the "government buttinski" axe in the coming days... )
The thing that really bothers the most about this whole process is how hard the government is working to make sure that nobody loses a minute of viewing pleasure. The other day a local politician made the statement that "People have to have television access for their safety. To deny people access to television in this storm prone area would be criminal."
Well at least he was talking about something he knows - politicians in this area are experts in criminal behavior. But I digress...
To answer the politicians claim, No, people do not have to have television access [to stay informed of storm alerts] in this storm prone area. If we in this area are prone to any storms, it is hurricanes. Three days people, you get at least three bloody days warning if a hurricane is headed your way. I grew up in "tornado alley" and with your average tornado you are lucky to get fifteen minutes warning.
I have to wonder how much of this "no more TV" paranoia is borne out of the misguided notions of TV personalities and their belief that we somehow "need" them.
Long live radio. I looking forward to my TV being nothing more than a display for my DVD player.
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
12:12 PM
Labels: news, Politically Incorrect, Politicians, TV on video, weather
Most of the people that I know who voted for Barack Obama were not alive in 1976. I was there but I wasn't old enough to vote yet.
This article is a VERY good history lesson for some of us and a good refresher for those who were politically active by that time.
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
10:08 PM
Labels: history, Obama, Politically Incorrect, Politicians
It is official.
The man that has been referred to as "President-Elect Obama" in the mainstream media (or simply "President Obama" in their more unguarded moments) was officially declared the next President of the United States by the House after they tallied the Electoral College votes.
The AP story actually says "THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE".
No, its a ceremony. No surprise, no news. But this is part and parcel of the media's love affair with Barack Obama that we have been forced to watch during the past several months. These clowns have collectively thrown all pretense of "objectivity" out the window. (My personal favorite is Chris Mathews' quote "...when I hear Barack Obama speak I get a furrowing up my leg...and that's an objective assessment." )
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
7:37 AM
Labels: America, Electoral College, House, Obama, Politicians
One of the FEW responsibilities of a valid government is to protect the safety and security of it's citizens. To this end there has been *much* discussion as to what should (or should not) be done to protect the southern and northern (landlocked) borders of the United States of America.
This morning on the radio, one of our local radio commentators interviewed a judge from Cameron county concerning progress on the border fence.
Good fences make good neighbors, right? Funny thing is, when the border fence is referred to in Spanish, I have *never* heard it referred to as a "fence" (cerca). Without exception, people speaking Spanish refer to this as "El Muro" (The Wall). More than once I have been speaking with bilingual friends and the subject has come up. When I have asked the question "Have you ever seen pictures of the Berlin Wall coming down? This is not a Wall - this is a fence." the response has been "Well yeah but you know...".
That's the problem. I do know.
What is being built looks to be a sensible fence. It will not be located on the levies and have to be torn down in 2011. It will not be built inside city limits. Those two particular genius proposals (and all the resultant flap about "The Wall" cutting Brownsville in half as it followed the levy) are complete inventions of local Rio Grande Valley politicians. (I know you will be as shocked as I was to learn that politicians had actually lied...)
These same politicians are now hanging their hopes on Barack Obama to "Stop the Wall". But, by their own admission, Obama "has a lot on his plate" and he "might not be able to give the necessary attention to a small piece of South Texas".
All this would mean that, despite the best efforts of local politicians, the American government has actually taken steps to protect American citizens.
Love it or hate it, comments are encouraged.
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
7:56 AM
Labels: America, Border Fence/Border Patrol, Mexico, Politicians
Before you start ranting about the virtues of "democracy" just take 10 minutes and Watch This Video.
Hint: We (the USA) are NOT a democracy.
Posted by
P. T. S. F.
5:40 AM
Labels: America, famous thinkers, Freedom, history, patriotism