Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where Are Obama's Jobs?

From an email I received yesterday about Obama's supposed "Summer of Recovery" : (the emphasis is mine)

Two months ago, President Obama proclaimed this summer the "Summer of Economic Recovery," insisting that his $862 billion stimulus bill has yet to make its biggest impact and that we've "turned the corner" on the economy.

But where is the proof behind the president's statement? Labor Day is almost here and there has not been one tangible sign of economic improvement over the last 60 days. If anything, we see data that points to a more severe economic situation than predicted. Last week, new unemployment claims rose to 479,000, with another 19,000 Americans losing their jobs in just one week.

So I ask President Obama to please show us where exactly the recovery has been.

The stimulus bill failed miserably, yet the White House continues to credit it with having a positive impact on the economy and saving thousands of jobs across the country. But it's clear to anyone with a good business sense that the White House's propaganda is just plain wrong. Small businesses are the backbone of America, and only when they have the financial security to begin hiring in extensive numbers will economic stability return. And that will only happen when President Obama and the Democratic Congress finally realize that it's the private sector that creates real jobs, not the government.

America's economic recovery and the restoration of jobs will not be a result of government spending or taxpayer-funded bailouts, but rather private industry being relieved of high taxes and backbreaking government regulations. Skyrocketing corporate taxes have crippled the private sector and slowed economic growth for the second straight quarter.

The Obama Administration has failed to fix the economy because their strategy is to grow the size of the government and raise our taxes to pay for it. Fiscal conservative policies of small government, low taxes and minimal regulations are the answer to America's economic troubles. Unless we want to spiral into a double dip recession - an economic crisis that could put future American prosperity in jeopardy - we must act now. Restoring our conservative values in Washington this fall is imperative.

The only unemployment claims that should be filed in the next several months are those of the Members of Congress who have yet to get our economy on track. They [Congress] should be the only unemployed Americans.

Okay, Obama / Biden / Reid / Pelosi - the ball is in your court (and has been for two years now) show us where you are creating jobs or shut up and get out of the way of the private sector.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

11 Reasons to Vote for Democrats in November

I apologize for Charlie Rangel's bad language - but you really need to see this video.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

UN Gun Ban to Register All Firearms

I received this yesterday Tuesday August 10, 2010 from Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA).    

The main point is:

 The UN wants to make all firearms subject to international law. The Small Arms Ban will:   

  • Prohibit firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public.
  • Prohibit any transfer of firearm ownership.  
  • Require US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.  
  • Require micro-stamping on all guns.
  • Destruction of "excess" firearms.
The full email follows:

ALERT: CCRKBA's Jullianne Versnel participated at the UN on the Arms Trade Treaty Prep Committee to fight for YOUR GUN RIGHTS. The social bureaucrats at the UN will stop at nothing to ERADICATE the Second Amendment. The globalist gun agenda supported by Obama is pushing for TOTAL GUN CONFISCATION.

In June, Jullianne's husband, Alan Gottlieb, Founder and Executive Director of CCRKBA successfully fought the socialist bureaucrats at the UN to veto language in the UN Small Arms and Light Weapons Programme of Action to defend the Second Amendment as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) delegate. But that success was short lived and the fight is far from over. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) representatives were told that the majority of the meetings would be closed to them.


STOP the UN Small Arms Ban Fax All 100 Senators (contact ccrkba)

The critical discussions on the scope of the treaty will have no input from any non-governmental entity. Scope is critical in the Arms Trade Ban process. In North America, some Pan Asian Countries and in some other parts of the world, the arms that we expect to have covered in this treaty are nuclear weapons. In much of Europe and most all of Africa, the delegates anticipate that the Arms Trade Ban will cover rifles, shotguns, handguns and ammunition as well. 

There appears little doubt that some sort of treaty will be adopted as early as 2012. It is anticipated that the final treaty will attempt to register all firearms, require micro-stamping, destruction of surplus ammunition on a very set schedule, registration of all firearms and restriction on any transfer of arms including between private individuals and many other restrictions. If the United States is a signatory and this is ratified by the U.S. Senate, this UN treaty would be the law. On October 30, 2009, UN members and the United States voted in favor of an Arms Trade Ban.

The UN has an aggressive schedule of meetings planned to push for these restrictions and we will be there representing you in every way we can. We will be at the CTOP/COP meeting in Vienna the week of October 18 and a General Assembly meeting at the end of October. In January, the five permanent members of the Security Council will meet and this is on the agenda. There will be another Arms Trade Ban Preparatory meeting at the end of February in New York. The regional UNIDIR meeting sponsored by the EU will start in March. We will come full circle with the Programme of Action Experts Meeting in May 2011 and the July 17-21 ATT Preparatory meeting that is expected to offer the final draft to the treaty. 

STOP the UN Small Arms Ban Fax All 100 Senators (contact your representative)

The UN wants to make all firearms subject to international law. The Small Arms Ban will:
  • Prohibit firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public.
  • Prohibit any transfer of firearm ownership.
  • Require US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.
  • Require micro-stamping on all guns.
  • Destruction of "excess" firearms.
Guns protect citizens from governments who abuse their power. (emphasis mine) The only thing keeping the United States from Obama turning our country into a Marxist Socialist country is our right to bear arms. With a guy like Obama in power it is terrifying to think what would happen to our country if we didn't have our Second Amendment Rights. The UN's solution is to take away guns from all "insurgents." Our founding fathers were considered insurgents. Our Democracy could not have been made possible if it weren't for their courage and access to firearms. If there was a Small Arms Treaty in 1776 our country would not exist. The UN believes anyone fighting for freedom should be considered a threat and wants to leave the world defenseless against tyrannical governments.

Get Your Sticker - STOP the UN Small Arms Ban - Fax All 100 Senators and Tell Obama to Keep the "Change" (conservative bumper stickers)


Obama and Hilary want to bring our country to it's knees to pass more laws until our Constitution is totally annihilated. And they are pretty close to accomplishing that. The Small Arms Treaty could become law as soon as 2012 if the U.S. signs the treaty and the Senate ratifies it. In two years your guns could be confiscated and destroyed. And of course, you would be under suspicion from the gun czars for having the audacity to even exercising your Second Amendment Rights in the first place. If this treaty passes, America would be swept up in a frenzied witch hunt to locate the "bad gun owners" to destroy their weapons. Law abiding Americans would be left defenseless against not only the tyranny of our government, but against the increasing violence and danger erupting in our country.


(i added this but i think it makes the same point)

Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away!

CALL PRESIDENT Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS.


NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away!

For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care.

Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend.

SELECT HERE DONATE NOW - The rights you save may be your own!

Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive.

But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom.

Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.

For more information about CCRKBA go to

Thank you. I know I can count on you.

Alan Gottlieb

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
12500 NE Tenth Place
Dept Code 4445
Bellevue, Washington 98005

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Reporters vs. Conservative Black Leaders at Press Conference 8 4 2010

The main stream media seems to be having a really hard time accepting the fact that there are black conservatives.     Here is a piece of video from a press conference held just a few days ago by conservative black leaders.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Permitting citizens to own firearms will go a long way to curbing crime

The entire article can be found here in engineering news.

The article's author mentions various pieces of legislation around the world and then makes the observation

Is there any evidence that the crooks now have fewer guns? I do not think so.

So, in effect, the gun laws keep the crooks armed and curtail the ability of law-abiding citizens to fight back.

To put it bluntly, yes.