Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where Are Obama's Jobs?

From an email I received yesterday about Obama's supposed "Summer of Recovery" : (the emphasis is mine)

Two months ago, President Obama proclaimed this summer the "Summer of Economic Recovery," insisting that his $862 billion stimulus bill has yet to make its biggest impact and that we've "turned the corner" on the economy.

But where is the proof behind the president's statement? Labor Day is almost here and there has not been one tangible sign of economic improvement over the last 60 days. If anything, we see data that points to a more severe economic situation than predicted. Last week, new unemployment claims rose to 479,000, with another 19,000 Americans losing their jobs in just one week.

So I ask President Obama to please show us where exactly the recovery has been.

The stimulus bill failed miserably, yet the White House continues to credit it with having a positive impact on the economy and saving thousands of jobs across the country. But it's clear to anyone with a good business sense that the White House's propaganda is just plain wrong. Small businesses are the backbone of America, and only when they have the financial security to begin hiring in extensive numbers will economic stability return. And that will only happen when President Obama and the Democratic Congress finally realize that it's the private sector that creates real jobs, not the government.

America's economic recovery and the restoration of jobs will not be a result of government spending or taxpayer-funded bailouts, but rather private industry being relieved of high taxes and backbreaking government regulations. Skyrocketing corporate taxes have crippled the private sector and slowed economic growth for the second straight quarter.

The Obama Administration has failed to fix the economy because their strategy is to grow the size of the government and raise our taxes to pay for it. Fiscal conservative policies of small government, low taxes and minimal regulations are the answer to America's economic troubles. Unless we want to spiral into a double dip recession - an economic crisis that could put future American prosperity in jeopardy - we must act now. Restoring our conservative values in Washington this fall is imperative.

The only unemployment claims that should be filed in the next several months are those of the Members of Congress who have yet to get our economy on track. They [Congress] should be the only unemployed Americans.

Okay, Obama / Biden / Reid / Pelosi - the ball is in your court (and has been for two years now) show us where you are creating jobs or shut up and get out of the way of the private sector.

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