Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Big Game

Posted just minutes ago, this article gives the thrilling details. (Giants Upset Patriots To Win Super Bowl) An ad displayed on the page when I viewed the article said "Are the Patriots the Best NFL team of All Time?" (i'm gonna guess they get quite a few "NO" votes :-)

Now on to the big game.

Guiliani endorsed McCain (no big surprise).

Schwarzenegger endorsed Romney (and his wife endorsed Obama :-)

Romney says Huckabee should drop out.

Huckabee says Romney should drop out.

The mainstream media (and many talk radio hosts) are acting like each side only has two horses in the race.

So what is the problem, you ask? The problem is this - if a political liberal wants someone to vote for, they have, at the very least, two candidates that fit the description - Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama (they may have more - stay with me).

A political conservative (supposedly) has all the candidates from the right side of the aisle (GOP) to choose from; unfortunately this is just not true. Let me explain.

McCain - Now as much as I hate to make an apparent "ad hominen" argument - the New York Times is not about to endorse a true conservative.

Romney - You can credit "conservative" Governor Romney for recognized same-sex marriages in Massachusetts. Several constitution authorities state that Romney "exercised illegal legislative authority" by his actions in 2003. Do true conservatives really want a "legislative loose cannon" representing us in the White House? I don't think so.

Huckabee - There are 700,000 physicians in the US and the number of accidental deaths caused by them per year is 120,000, making the accidental death rate per physician 17%. Using the same logic, there are about 80 million gun owners, and the number of accidental gun deaths per year among all age groups is 1,500. The same calculation reveals the number of accidental deaths per gun owner to be 0.00188%. In other words, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 more times more dangerous than gun owners. Yet, I hear no one suggesting we ban doctors.
Source: From Hope to Higher Ground, by Mike Huckabee, p.126-127 Jan 4, 2007
While I think this quote from Huckabee's book makes a great point about the 2nd Amendment, it might cost him the "physician" voting block :-)

Paul - While Dr Paul claims to be a strict constitutionalist, his views on the War on Terror just seem to be a "cut and run" strategy. The truth is that, good or bad, we are now in Iraq and we have to make sure the region is stable before we pull out.

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