Monday, October 17, 2011

Ann Barnhardt - Rock Star!!!

Okay y'all - if you haven't run across this lady and her blog yet, do yourself a favor and check it out. (Hat tip to Scott - thank you sir!)

She has a great video on there right now where she takes Lindsey Graham to task for some assinine comments he made Sunday morning.

Ann goes on to take on Islam head on.   I know some politicians *say* they will confront something "head on" but not like this.   She states in one post "Frankly, I'm terribly disappointed that not a SINGLE musloid here in the United States has made ANY attempt to rape and behead me." and in one of her videos she shows that the bookmarks in her copy of the Koran are strips of raw bacon.    Ann Barnhardt doesn't pull her punches when she gets to Mitt Romney ( "Romney is about as much of a conservative as Barbara Streisand. Romney is prettier." ), Obamacare, (and the other myriad atrocities of this administration), Global Warming, etc.

If you have any doubts where she stands on the 2nd Amendment, she has posted some cool pictures of her pink AR and a hotlink to her duracoat guy in Wisconsin.

Finally!   Something that is politically sound, well thought out and not politically correct - if you need to find me at lunch I'll be reading

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