Sunday, April 23, 2006

A (short) explanation of the title

This is the explanation as simply as i can put it. Any government that knows that it will have to answer to an armed populace is more likely to take the opinions of that populace into consideration than a government whose populace is mostly unarmed.

To put it another way, the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the rest of the Bill of Rights. If you take away the right of the people to keep and bear arms (as guaranteed by the Constitution) you will soon lose every other freedom named in the Bill of Rights.

I am NOT making the "slippery slope" argument. I am a realist. And please DON'T take my word for it - look at history. Any despot, before enacting his treachery, will FIRST act to DISARM the public. Stalin. Hitler. Idi Amin.

People will argue "gun control" (disarming law abiding citizens) from all sorts of angles. Listen, I was raised in north east Oklahoma and gun control means being able to hit your target.

Now before anybody wants to accuse me of having my head in the sand, i did NOT say that our American government is perfect. That would just be silly. More later.

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