Friday, May 12, 2006

DC - more pics

I was going to title this "NCRA - more pics" and then I realized that every picture I took was while sightseeing. I took one picture in Reagan National Airport of a flag and, if you already know what she looks like, you can sort of make out my boss'es head near the edge of the picture. No pictures of my friends. I'm such a horrible person. :-) More pictures to come later.

Here is a picture of some Canadians who want to get their picture taken with a real hero. (I mean, if you're from Canada what do you really have to be proud of?)

Here is a picture of the reflecting pool made famous in the movie "Forrest Gump" :-)

Here is a shot of the exterior of the Lincoln Memorial at dusk. (I learned that apparently Junior High kids have not yet been taught to read the words "Quiet. Show Respect."). Maybe I could blame all the noise on those rowdy Canadians, eh?
The Korean War Memorial at night. This picture does not do justice to the Memorial. The way the statues are lit after dark gives it a haunting, mournful air. (And they sorta look like ghosts after dark, which is sorta cool.)

Another shot of the Korean War Memorial.

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