Monday, July 07, 2008

Fun Yard Signs

Do your neighbors "lean to the left"?

Do you want a more "distinctive" yard?

Does your lawn need a slightly more "patriotic" look?

Well, friend, I can solve your problems! For a mere $15.95 (less than the cost of a large pizza) you too can proudly display one of these yard signs and help spread the word about our Second Amendment rights as American citizens!

There is the ever popular "I'm the NRA and I vote" (commonly seen as a window sticker on pickup trucks and automobiles throughout the nation)

Or, if your neighbors have trouble understanding what is at stake...

Or you can tell it like it is in vibrant blue and orange...

And lastly, a lovely new addition inspired by a gaffe of presidential candidate B. Hussein Obama...

One question, will they really make my shrubbery look this good?


KoloradoKid said...

Hope y'all are weatherin' the storm alright! -andy

P. T. S. F. said...

Yessir - thank you for your concern.

Fortunately the person in charge at work decided it would be a good idea to be closed today. (People down here CANNOT drive in the rain)

So far we have TV signal and electricity but that could change any minute. If we lose power it might get a bit interesting but we do have a well stocked "storm kit".