Thursday, July 10, 2008

This is Friendship???

Anytime somebody tells you "I want to apologize for what you are about to hear" you can bet that you're not going to like what you hear next. This just makes common sense. And if you've read much of this blog, you can easily tell that I'm (sorta) paying attention to this year's politics.

Now (in the way of context), I have been very blessed to have a lot of people that I consider friends in my life. Some of these friends are very close to me. And I have had more than one disagreement with a close friend and we have remained friends. Being able to "agree to disagree" with someone is an important part of any relationship that is more than superficial.

With that in mind you can see why I was so surprised to hear on the radio Wednesday afternoon that Rev. Jesse Jackson was apologizing for "crude and hurtful remarks" that he made "in a private conversation" in front of a "hot mic". You know how radio commentators will say "Today [politician] said '' blah blah blah" and then the politician will say "No, that's not what I meant - you misquoted me", etc, etc? As I was driving down the road I kept waiting for the quote - nobody ever said what *exactly* his remarks were.

Then it hit me. Are we talking "FCC violation" crude? Holy cow, Jesse, what did you say this time?! After some searching, a video snip from "The O'Reilly Factor" turned up. You can see the video for yourself here. This is not the full clip and it is not an "FCC violation". Apparently Jesse also made some racist remarks against white people. But this is just the part that would offend B. Hussein Obama.

NOT my idea of friendship.

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