Friday, November 07, 2008

Seeing the glass half full

Don't insult my intelligence and give me any of this "but the election is over - now is the time for us to all just get along" crap.

Two things 1) Letting down our guard is exactly what the Democrats would like for us to do and

2) Yes, let's follow the Democrats example and all join hands and sing kumbayah - just like they did (both times) when Bush was elected, right?

Yes, it's a great day for the country when we can mobilize a record number of uninformed voters and elect a president on the vagueries of "Hope" and "Change". And I honestly am glad that we've reached a point where a (half) black man can be President of the USA. But you don't see BO wasting any time basking in all the warm fuzzies so there is no reason that we should waste time, either.

I don't want you to misunderstand me. This is not sour grapes because my candidate lost - I am a conservative. For those that don't realize it, conservatism didn't lose this election. There was not a conservative candidate on the ballot.

Which is why I see the glass half full. Yes, I did vote for McCain but that's only because he was the lesser of two (major party) evils - NOT because he's a conservative - he isn't.

Immediately after the election, McCain aides started to smear Sarah Palin. Who benefits from this? Moderate or "centrist" RINOs (Republican In Name Only) because they are scared. (And, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out, incompetent campaign aides that want to work for these RINOs in future campaigns and they're trying desperately to hide the fact that they are the architects of defeat.) The RINOs are scared of an honest to goodness conservative (Sarah Palin) that electrifies the conservative base (Sarah Palin), has a record of fighting corruption (Sarah Palin) even against her own party (Sarah Palin) and [when she's not boxed into a corner by RINO handlers but is actually allowed to be herself] is very competent on the national stage (Sarah Palin) and they know it.

Now the glass is half full because now is the time to revitalize the conservative base of the Republican party. More on this later.

We don't have to spend the next four years apologizing for RINO McCain. I told a co-worker that we can look forward to the shocked looks on the faces of the Obama voters as they slowly come to realize just exactly what they have voted for.

We're gonna come out of this thing alright. At least that's my opinion. btw, gun sales nationwide are at record highs - if you don't already have your gun, you probably shouldn't wait any longer to get it.

1 comment:

Lily of the Valley said...

Love it! love what you said and the way you said it.