Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Crazy World

Yesterday morning i heard about comedian Michael Richards going totally racial on a heckler. It was ugly. Actually it was worse than ugly. Yesterday evening i was watching Hannity and Colmes with my folks (i'm too cheap to pay for cable - i have youtube :-) and two black comedians were being interviewed about what they felt about all this. Not even these two guys could agree what would have been the best way to handle it (pretend it was all an act or go on BET and *really* apologize) but there seems to be a pretty wide consensus that Michael Richards' public career is over.

Why am i mentioning this in the middle of everything else that is going on in the world? This incident just demonstrates again that we (humans) will never solve the big problems by ourselves. How long have we been working to eliminate racism in this country? Can anybody say "Emancipation Proclamation"?

I don't want to seem overly pessimistic but the reality is that we will always have reasons to disagree. I've even read comments from atheists that feel that "The source of all the world's problems is religion and as soon as we get rid of it, we'll all get along." . No, there will be something else (race, class, etc) to cause divisions and tensions. Or to borrow another argument, "When all the guns are taken away, then we will bludgeon each other to death."

Are we inherently evil? How is it that this horrible behavior is learned over and over, generation after generation? Maybe the comedian in the studio with Hannity and Colmes was right when he said that we are all racists and Richards only said what we are all thinking. I hope, for our sakes, that he is wrong.

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