Saturday, November 11, 2006

Faultline USA

i want to send a big "Thank You" to our friends at Faultline USA. On Monday, Peace Through Superior Firepower was added to their blogroll. We will keep a link to them here on our "Found In the Blogosphere" section.

If you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely should. In my humble opinion we will have to increase our vigilance against the tactics of the far left after Tuesday's fiasco, and Faultline is a recent addition to the blogosphere that seems to be keeping an eye on issues of interest.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for adding
Faultline USA
to your blogroll. Our current effort this month is a series of articles helping moderate Democrats to keep an eye on the accelerated leftist takeover. See “Democrats Attacked from Within.” Keep an eye out for new leftist key words attached to their lethal organizations such as “Active Democrats.”

Anonymous said...

There is definitely a move afoot by the far left to take over, 1) the Democratic Party, 2) to ruin the traditional values of our nation and 3) turn a "blind eye" to the issue of ILLEGALs entering our country which undermines our security.

I call this "new breed" of far left leaning/liberal democrats "FLLD"s and would invite you and your readers to recent articles I have written on this subject at One Country Voice "The New Breed of Democrat" Part One and Part Two.

You are right in that we must stay vigilant and expose these far leftist ideals and tactics at every turn.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for adding
Faultline USA
to your blogroll. Our current effort this month is a series of articles helping moderate Democrats to keep an eye on the accelerated leftist takeover. See “Democrats Attacked from Within.” Keep an eye out for new leftist key words attached to their lethal organizations such as “Active Democrats.”