Deportation By Attrition
While surfing for "odd news" I ran across this article. It is about illegal immigrants returning to Mexico because of stricter laws going into effect in Arizona.
Just a couple exerts from the article: (emphasis mine)
Dozens of immigrants are leaving the U.S. daily, and even more are expected to leave once the sanctions law takes effect in January, provided the law survives a last-minute legal challenge, said Rosendo Hernandez, president of the advocacy group Immigrants Without Borders.
"If people can't find work, they won't be able to pay their bills, so they will leave," Hernandez said. [Thats the idea]
In what are considered bellwethers of permanent moves back to Mexico, the Mexican consulate in Phoenix has seen a dramatic increase in applications for Mexican birth certificates, passports and other documents that immigrants living in Arizona will need to return home.
The situation of the specific family featured in the article is described:(again, emphasis mine)
They and their two children had originally entered the United States legally with tourist visas and then stayed beyond the expiration dates. The couple had no legal status to work in the U.S., but both were able to get jobs using fake documents, Jorge at a small landscaping company, Liliana at a Burger King. Two years ago, their third child, Michael, was born in Arizona, making him a U.S. citizen.
Just a heads up - some of the comments on the article are just flat racist. Two communication problems can be seen when the issue of immigration is discussed:
1) Some people have a problem expressing their political views without stating their prejudice; this gives rise to the other problem
2) Some people seem to feel that any comments concerning the illegal immigration problem are inherently racist.
Look folks, any country that cannot (or will not) defend its borders ceases to be a sovereign nation. Illegal immigration in this country is a problem and it's not racist to say so. To ignore the problem of illegal immigration is tantamount to putting your head in the sand.
Merry Christmas.