Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Anniversary VoG

December 12 is a big deal in Mexico. According to news shows on all the local Spanish channels this morning, the Virgen de Guadalupe (Virgin of Guadalupe - i know, you never would have guessed, right?) appeared to Juan Diego on this day 476 years ago.

The easiest way to tell that this is a big deal in Latin American culture was NOT the costumes, NOT the parades, NOT even the cheering crowds. No, the easiest way to tell that this is a big deal in Latin American culture is the fact that all three psuedo news shows used this as their Lead Story at the Top of the Hour superseding the morning Bush-bashing.

It really is humorous how predictable the Spanish-speaking "drive by media" (to use a Rushism) is in their "reporting". And as far as fact-finding goes, they make CBS look good. Sightings of chupacabras are reported just as seriously as if they were a train wreck or chemical spill with hundreds injured. More than once I have heard the statement "No one has ever seen chupacabras, This is what it looks like." (When i see that "artist rendition" the first thing i think of is a "gray")

I can hear it now - "You're White, you can't say stuff like that!" Whatever. Obama wasn't weak on foreign policy because he's black, he was just weak on foreign policy. Hillary isn't wrong on healthcare because she's a woman, she is just wrong on healthcare. McCain is overreacting to all the waterboarding nonsense - the fact that he's a former POW doesn't add any actual weight to his opinion on the matter.

The truth hurts.

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