Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elect the HERO not the ZERO

HERO: Sacrificed more than most of us can imagine.
ZERO: Smoked crack and ripped off low income people as a rabble rouser.

HERO: Kept his promise to the American people and abided by the limits of public campaign finance.

ZERO: Broke his promise to the American people to abide by the limits of public campaign finance.

HERO: Refused to give a propaganda victory to America's enemies in North Vietnam.

ZERO: Associated with marxists and started his politial career in the living room of known (unrepentant) domestic terrorists.

HERO: Served his nation honorably for many years.

ZERO: Served his racist church honorably for many years.

HERO: Has worked both sides of the aisle and authored major legislation over and over again.

ZERO: Voted present 130 times and has only been in the Senate for 143 days before thinking he was the next sultan.

(is it just me or does BO's seal look suspiciously like the communist sickle over a wheat field?)

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