Monday, September 25, 2006

From the Inbox

I have neglected my email. It was just chock full of goodies. Here are a few that I like.

"Did you know that convicted foreign child molesters are eligible to immigrate to America? Well, you will after watching this devastating new television ad from [Vernon Robinson] campaign's ad team."
No joke - watch the ad.

Here is the latest news on important immigration bills from NumbersUSA.

You never can tell what John McCain is gonna do next when it comes to national security but yesterday on Face the Nation he was asked about John Bolton (US Ambassador to the UN) and he said "He's smart, he's tough, he will respond to these guys. And he could talk back to these two-bit dictators who have the airfare to New York." Read it yourself here or here.

An interesting article from Melanie Morgan, chairman of pro-troop Move America Forward.

Dr James Dobson says "We're at War with Muslims" but please Don't take his word for it - Ask the Muslims.

And apparently the old line the Democratic party used to throw at the Republican party has come home to roost. It seems that the Democratic party has been sold to the highest bidder.

The truth will set you free, but it will make you miserable first.

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