Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Generation 9-11

"Generation 9-11" was the title of the cover article of the "Weekend" magazine in our local Sunday paper. It was an article about 6 kids that were born 9-11-01. The article wasn't really heavy reading but it got me to thinking - is this how the latest generation will be named?

The good news is that these kids (and other kids born since then) probably won't be hung with such a morbid moniker. I'm pretty sure that future journalists will find a fitting catch phrase for these youngsters. My father's generation is not called the "Pearl Harbor Kids" and my generation isn't known as the "KDD's" (Kennedy Dead in Dallas), despite the fact that those were earth-shattering events.

Even though it is still larger than life right now, we will overcome this national tragedy just as we have overcome other national tragedies in the past.

The best news is that some good friends of ours had a baby today! And it happened on day 150 of my blog - I couldn't have planned it better myself. :-)

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