Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Anniversary to us!

We celebrated 13 years of marriage (on the 13th) by visiting the Blue Ghost. This is the historic USS Lexington permanently parked in Corpus Christi Bay. The Lex is open 9am - 6pm and there are currently five tours on the boat. The Flight Deck, the Foc'sle (Forecastle), the Gallery Deck, the Lower Decks, and the Hangar Deck. The Hangar Deck is the part of the ship that you enter and it now includes an IMAX theater, many displays and, of course, a concession stand. We got there at 10am on a Monday and there were very few people. If you haven't seen the Lex, you really should.

Go on a weekday, go early, tour the flight deck early (it warms up pretty quick up there) and just enjoy yourself.

After our (running) tour of the Blue Ghost we went to the Texas State Aquarium. It's a bit pricey for my taste but it was a special occasion and they have shows going on all day long.


KoloradoKid said...

A little late, but Congratulations! That's an achievement!

P. T. S. F. said...

Thanks, dude! It's actually more of an "achievement" for my wife putting up with my idiosyncracies.
Love really must be blind b/c even i think i'm quirky and hard to live with.