Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Proposal for California's Electoral Vote Could Benefit GOP

The article is here and, lest you think this some kind of "Republican plot", here is a very interesting quote from Bob Mulholland, campaign adviser for the California Democratic Party (emphasis mine):

The California Democrat later compared the Electoral College to the Mafia, saying that the founders created it "because they had little faith in the voters, and this was a check made on the voters. The voters could 'make the wrong decision" in the general election, and the electors could put the fix in. Well, that's like the mob. That's kind of outdated."
At least he's not bitter about the 2000 presidential elections, right? Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 but won the electoral vote and in 2004 he won both the popular and the electoral vote. Incidentally, the Bush "upset" was the third time a US President has won the electoral vote without getting the popular vote. But I digress...
Mulholland (the Cali Dem advisor) had just finished basically accusing Arnold (the Governator) of trying to force the issue onto the ballots. Hm.....the Governor of California is trying to let the people of California decide how the electoral votes of the people of California are allocated. Yeah, somebody tell me - what is the problem when people govern themselves - isn't that what we're all about?

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