Saturday, August 11, 2007

Old Friends

This morning we postponed leaving on vacation so that we could go have coffee with some old friends. They're not old - they're younger than my wife and I, but we've known them for seven or eight years.

We had a really nice visit but I can't tell you their names or where they live or even show a screenshot from Google City Lights of their "neighborhood" at night.

Why all the "cloak and dagger", you ask? Let me put it to you this way - we were talking about blogging and net stuff and when I mentioned the name of my blog the man said "It'll probably be blocked". Even though I sometimes find the ACLU (and their ilk) annoying, THANK GOD for differences of opinion and freedom of speech in the USA! And for the 2nd Amendment - that's the one that protects all the rest.

They say "You don't know what you've got until it's gone" - I sincerely hope that this (very comfortable) next generation learns the value of their freedoms before it's too late.

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