Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Deskercise and Chocolate Fiber

In a little over a month i will hit a landmark birthday for me. It's not such a big deal, really; but the reason its landmark *for me* is because this is the age that i thought people got OLD. But what did i know?

Back then, my first computer cost three times as much as my first car. It had a color monitor. All computers back then had color monitors - you just had to pick the color, yellow or green. Ours was green. Back then, the cases were any color you wanted, as long as it was beige. (Can you say "DOS" ? I knew you could.)

Did i mention that one of my first conscious memories is being at a political rally? We were all in an airplane hangar in Tulsa, OK. I was on my dad's shoulders and everybody was looking at the man who had just stepped out of the airplane and shouting "Four More Years! Four More Years!". (Thats not a joke - and before you throw stones, he was *the* foreign policy president. No president in either the 20th or 21st century even comes close to him on that.)

But i digress...

I am, frankly, out of shape. ("Do these jeans make my gut look fat?") One friend even told me "Oh get over it!" (you know who you are ;-) so i guess, being as old as i am, i should just "grow up". That's why i'm glad there's "Deskercise"!

Now with a happy bowl of Kellogg's Special K chocolatey delight Naturally and Aritifically Flavored Crunchy Rice and Wheat Flakes with Chocolatey Pieces "Losing up to 6 lbs in 2 weeks Just Got Easier". Gosh, with this and the Deskercise, i'll just be a shadow of my former self ;-)
[warning to youngsters - any time a man is obsessing over his weight, something is wrong. He's liable to shave his head or exhibit other "age defying" behaviors]


Manda said...

Yes! Special K for fatties! I love that stuff! I've gone through two boxes already...and no, I haven't lost anywhere close to 6 lbs. But I like to believe the LIE!

Manda said...

I just made an internet of my sisters' college buddies named Andy has a blog (he lives in Austin but is from Colorado). If we all lived in the same town, you'd LOVE him! Check out his blog and you'll know why:
He's a great guy. I'll tell you all about him sometime.

Manda said...

p.s. Even though you have old bones, you are so the opposite of old.

P. T. S. F. said...

Thank you, Manda.