Saturday, May 05, 2007

Family Fun Fest

Family Fun Fest was great. Like Manda commented on the last post (my bad for not publishing this entry sooner - more on that later) there weren't any people drinking in the park. In fact it was really calm for being a city park in south Texas on Cinco de Mayo. I have no idea if the city has an ordinance about alcohol consumption in the parks but, if they do, that could explain the lack of "rowdies".

We had a great group turn out (unofficial count - 111) from all age groups. One thing I really like about our church is the diversity. We have families from all over the globe and quite a few "intercultural" couples (my wife and i included :-). The games were great, the food was great (i didn't cook any of it) and the fellowship was great!

I saw Lily walking around taking photos so I know there are some great shots of the picnic.

I can't remember if this is our third or fourth year doing this, but its a bigger success every year.

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