Monday, July 30, 2007

Unexpected Comedy

My wife and I are (sorta) fans of M Night Shyamalan (i never can pronounce his last name). So when one of his movies makes it to my local chain video rental store (I'm nothing if not cheap) we get some popcorn, rent the movie and prepare for a good old-fashioned scare.

Okay, admittedly a couple of his movies are more "freaky" than "scary" but they're still chilling.

The other day my favorite movie date (wifey) & i rented the only one of his videos that we had not yet seen - Lady in the Water. I'm not gonna give away the plot but I gotta tell you - I was more scared by Monty Python's Meaning of Life. When I asked sweetie her opinion of this "horror movie" she just rolled her eyes. It's like M Night was trying to make a black comedy instead of a horror film - it honestly made us laugh.


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