Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blog Action Day (BAD) Reminder

Today I received an email from "The Blog Action Day Team" (BAD Team) Now Blog Action Day (BAD) is up to "over 7,500 bloggers!" so i guess it really is officially a "movement".

The email contains a link to another Blog Action Day (BAD) video and a "What Type of Blogger Are You? " quiz.

Here is my badge for taking the quiz

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

It says I'm a "Purist" b/c I have no ads (i'm in this for the sheer joy, not the money) an "Expert" b/c I've been doing this over a year and I'm involved in more than one blog and "Undiscovered" because I don't have 1000's of readers.

This is so par for the course. The fact that it's only a "quiz" (not a test) let's you know this is gonna be pretty unscientific but the fact that the answers are given as extremes is exactly what one would expect from alarmist environmentalists who would rather "have a movement" than pay attention to the facts.

A few facts:

On at least two occassions (one known as the Medieval Warm Period and one as the Holocene Thermal Maximum ) the planet has been significantly warmer than it is now. And you know what? The polar bears did just fine. (they're still here, aren't they)

Oh well, if you're still having trouble sleeping because of your imagined "environmental guilt" then go buy yourself some Carbon credits.

(um, if buying Carbon credits actually helps you sleep better then maybe you need some professional help :-)

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