Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Way back in July our good friends John and Amanda moved to California. The most I could do was help them pack the truck the Tuesday before they left. Owing to space considerations in the truck (and because I'm such a book nut) my buddy John gave me one of his bookcases.

The next day, another buddy of mine, Dennis, got the bookcase here with only a couple of drops of rain on it while I got turned around and drove through the rain.

Ever since it got here, the bookcase has been sitting in the middle of my office, waiting for me to figure out:
1) How am I going to rearrange my books,
2) Where exactly am I going to put the bookcase and
3) Should I go ahead and bring more books from storage or just rearrange what I already have here?

(The mess in my office is a post for another day) but while trying to "sort" books (with the help of goodreads) I had an epiphany.

"The apple does not fall far from the tree" - my daughter is just as bad about book collecting as I am. Now the bookcase sits in my daughter's room (its the tall one) and it is now home to a several of her series of books and quite a few stuffed animals. The best part of this is that stuffed animals are light enough that they can "live" almost anywhere so my daughter can use this for books for quite some time to come.


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