Sunday, October 21, 2007

Border Fence Update

Checking back over my blog I realized that there are quite a few "loose ends" that I needed to "tie up". So here's a quick update on the one of the local "hot button" issues.

The Border Fence. Private citizens are taking action (and actually accomplishing something) here and here . Here is a good example of a low tech fence actually working. Where is the high tech "virtual fence" we've heard will solve our problems? After Boeing "reported it solved most of the computer glitches" (famous last words) it will finally begin testing a section of virtual fence in Arizona later this month.

"But a fence sends the wrong message" , you say? Really? Here is an example of three wanted sex offenders that were nabbed as they came through border check points. With completely open borders, these fellows (and other sex offenders) will be able to sneak into the country undetected. By further closing our porous southern border, we increase our chances at catching these scum bags.

And agents at border crossings continue to find marijuana and cocaine (the pot was in a charter bus).

Locally we won't have to worry about the "ominous shadows" of an actual border fence for quite some time to come (if ever) because some boneheaded bureaucrat planned the fence to cut through the middle of Brownsville, TX. This would have put part of the UT-Brownsville campus south of the fence.

More updates on other stuff later.

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