Monday, October 01, 2007

Blog Action Day (BAD)

Just in case you haven't heard yet, let me tell you what's going to happen on October 15.

Its the First, Annual, International, BLOG ACTION DAY. What is Blog Action Day (BAD) you say? I'm so glad you asked. This is when everybody who participates in the whole ever lovin' blogosphere is supposed to get our collective knickers in a knot about the [insert favorite adjective] environment. Right now they claim to have 6,475 blogs with a "readership" on this issue of over 4.4 million people. Using their exact numbers I crunched it and got just a hair over 690 readers per blog. Interesting...

When you go to pretty much any place on the blogosphere, what do you see but links and links to other blogs. And what are many blog posts about? Reading other blogs! So how many "unique" readers do you think we're actually talking about? More on that later.

On the Blog Action Day (BAD) websites ( and ) they give you an opportunity to participate. They encourage you to "Register your Blog". Ostensibly this would be so that you (as a "concerned blogger" or some such rot) could be kept "in the loop" with new and exciting "blog action items" on the environment, right? Nah, it says right on the page where you register that

The readership figure is purely for the purpose of generating an exciting statistic!

In other words pay no attention to these statistics - they're meaningless! WHAT???? Environmentalists with meaningless statistics???? Frankly, I'm shocked.

[If you haven't picked up on my sarcasm yet then I'm just not trying hard enough]

But even a cynic like myself has to admit that these Blog Action Day (BAD) people are thoughtful. Why they've even included a way for me to prove my "personhood". Right on the form to register it says

Are you human? Please type '210'

And let's not forget the importance of "warm fuzzies". These Blog Action Day (BAD) people know how important the environment is to me - the button at the bottom of the registration page doesn't say "register" or "submit" - no no - it says "Make a Difference". So, in some inexplicable way, just by giving my email address to the Blog Action Day (BAD) people, I have "Made a Difference" [i think i feel a tear welling up]

And, gosh those Blog Action Day (BAD) people are tech-saavy. They even have a Blog Action Day (BAD) video posted on youtube. click for BAD video

Al Gore, living proof that the Oscars are motivated by art, not politics (HAHAHAHA - well I tried to say that with a straight face) must be very proud of his Blog Action Day (BAD) friends. They are working so hard to make everybody get really "conscious" about the environment.
Now those of us who were too young to "make a difference" at the original (1970) Earth Day can be on the ground floor of a "movement".

This will really give me a chance to stretch my satirical muscles, so to speak. There is so much raw comedic material to work with - I think I'm going to enjoy this ;-)

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