Monday, June 04, 2007


My wife and I just got home from the local "dollar theater" where we watched the movie "Shooter" starring Mark Wahlberg. In a word - "sweet". The movie is 2 hours and a few minutes long and I was pleasantly surprised to notice only one obvious small arms error (with a pistol). However my knowledge of the long range small arms weapons that star in this movie is really limited so we'll see how it stands up to closer scrutiny. I had decided to buy the DVD by about 30 minutes in - enough details had been mentioned that I knew I will want to see this picture again. I'm glad I saw it on the silver screen and I'm glad I saw it with my wife, she really enjoyed it, too. (if you don't believe me, ask her yourself)

I have to strongly recommend this movie. Not a single sex scene in the entire film - I didn't know that Hollywood was capable of that in a movie that wasn't aimed at six year olds. (Even the movies aimed at six year olds are kind of dicey now a days - but I digress...)

I was going to say that they only used profanity 5 or 6 times in the entire film but my wife says it was 8 or 9 times so we're safe to say "under a dozen". The movie has plenty of tense situations with a lot of tough guys running around and the sparse profanity is actually believable.

If you've seen any of the commercials, you have a basic idea about the plot and if you haven't seen it, I'm not going to give anything away. The movie gets its "R" rating for multiple head shots - if you're squeamish you can just look down (over and over and over) but, as my soccer coach used to say "Blood makes the grass grow."


Manda said...

Dude, you had a hardcore soccer coach!

P. T. S. F. said...

No argument there!